株式会社コスモスモアは、2024年1月8日に「株式会社GOOD PLACE」に社名を変更いたしました。 詳細はこちら×




  1. 外部送信とは


  2. Cookie
    ア Cookieとは

    Cookie(クッキー)とは、お客様がウェブサイトを閲覧した際に、ウェブサーバとお客様の端末のインターネット閲覧ソフト(ブラウザ)との間でやり取りされ、お客様の端末に保存される、小さなファイルです。たとえば、お客様がウェブサイトを訪問した際にCookieの中に識別子(Cookie ID)を書き込んでおくことで、同じ端末から再度アクセスがあった際に、この識別子を参照してお客様のブラウザを識別することができます。Cookieに保存された情報をブラウザが当社や第三者企業に外部送信することで、当社や第三者企業はお客様のサイト閲覧履歴等の情報を知ることが可能となります。

    イ Cookieの無効化








送信先のサービス名 Google Analytics
送信先の事業者名 Google LLC
外部送信される情報 弊社サイトのアクセス情報、ブラウザ情報、属性情報(年齢層、性別、位置)、アプリ・端末情報
当社の利用目的 サイト利用状況の分析、コンテンツやサービスの改善
送信先の利用目的 ウェブサイト分析サービスの提供
オプトアウト こちら
プライバシーポリシー等 こちら
送信先のサービス名 Google広告
送信先の事業者名 Google LLC
外部送信される情報 弊社サイトのアクセス情報、ブラウザ情報、属性情報(年齢層、性別、位置)、アプリ・端末情報
当社の利用目的 広告の効果の測定、広告配信の最適化
送信先の利用目的 広告配信の最適化、広告効果の測定、ターゲティング広告の配信
オプトアウト こちら
プライバシーポリシー等 こちら
送信先のサービス名 Microsoft広告
送信先の事業者名 Microsoft Corporation
外部送信される情報 弊社サイトのアクセス情報、ブラウザ情報、属性情報(年齢層、性別、位置)、アプリ・端末情報
当社の利用目的 広告の効果の測定、広告配信の最適化
送信先の利用目的 広告配信の最適化、広告効果の測定、ターゲティング広告の配信
オプトアウト こちら
プライバシーポリシー等 こちら


当社は、Googleが提供するGoogleアナリティクスを使用しております。Googleが当社またはGoogleの設定するCookieをもとにしてお客様の閲覧履歴を収集し、分析した結果を当社が受け取り、当社がその結果をお客様の利用状況の把握や、当社のサービスに利用する場合があります。GoogleによるGoogleアナリティクスにおけるデータの取扱いについては、同社のサイトをご覧ください。 Googleのサービスを使用するサイトやアプリから収集した情報のGoogleによる使用



株式会社GOOD PLACE 個人情報に関する相談窓口

Handling of Externally Transmission Information

Transmission of Information to External Parties

  1. About External Transmission

    When customers browse our website, there is a possibility that information related to them, stored on their devices such as personal computers or smartphones, will be transmitted to our company or to third-party companies approved by us. This external transmission of information may involve the use of technology known as cookies.

  2. Cookies
    a. About Cookies

    Cookies are small files exchanged between the web server and the internet browser on the customer's device when they browse a website, which are then stored on the customer's device. For example, when a customer visits a website, a unique identifier (Cookie ID) can be written into cookies, allowing the browser to be recognized during future visits from the same device. By transmitting the information stored in cookies from the browser to our company or third parties, our company and third parties can obtain information such as the customer's browsing history and other related details.

    b. Disabling Cookies

    (a) Disabling All CookiesCustomers can block or delete all or some cookies by changing the settings in their browser. However, please note that certain functions on the website may be restricted or some pages may not display correctly as a result. For information on how to change browser settings, please consult the provider of your browser.

    (b) Disabling or Restricting Specific CookiesCustomers can stop the external transmission of their information or limit its usage by following the instructions provided on the opt-out pages linked under 3; Use of Externally Transmitted Information by Third Parties."

Use of Externally Transmitted Information by Our Company

Our company uses customer information to maintain login status, store website preferences, and analyze website usage on the websites we manage. Additionally, we use customer information to deliver advertisements tailored to customer interests and to analyze the effectiveness of these advertisements. When customer information constitutes personal data, it is handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

Use of Externally Transmitted Information by Third-Party Companies

Our company utilizes services provided by third-party companies, such as advertisement distribution services and behavioral analysis tools. When customers browse our website, information related to them, stored on their devices such as personal computers or smartphones, may be transmitted to these third-party companies as outlined in the table below. For details on how to restrict the use of cookies by third-party companies, please refer to the "Opt-out page" section in the table below.

Service name Google Analytics
Company name Google LLC
User information transmitted Access Information, Browser Information, Demographic Information (Age, Gender, Location), and App Device Information Related to Our Website
Purpose of use of us To analyze and research how the service has been used and to improve service or contents
Purpose of use of destination To provide analytics service of website
Opt-out page Here
Privacy policy,etc Here
Service name Google Ads
Company name Google LLC
User information transmitted Access Information, Browser Information, Demographic Information (Age, Gender, Location), and App Device Information Related to Our Website
Purpose of use of us To optimize ads and to measure the effectiveness of advertising
Purpose of use of destination To distribute and optimize targeting ads and to measure the effectiveness of advertising
Opt-out page Here
Privacy policy,etc Here
Service name Microsoft Ads
Company name Microsoft Corporation
User information transmitted Access Information, Browser Information, Demographic Information (Age, Gender, Location), and App Device Information Related to Our Website
Purpose of use of us To optimize ads and to measure the effectiveness of advertising
Purpose of use of destination To distribute and optimize targeting ads and to measure the effectiveness of advertising
Opt-out page Here
Privacy policy,etc Here

About “Google Analytics”

We use “Google Analytics”, a service provided by Google LLC. It collects and analyzes your browsing history based on cookies set by Google LLC or our company, and we receive the results of this analysis. These results may be used by us to understand your usage patterns or to improve our services. For information on how Google LLC handles data in “Google Analytics”, please refer to its website. How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services

Inquiries Regarding the Handling of External Transmission Information and Cookies

For any comments, questions, or other inquiries regarding the handling of external transmission information and cookies, please contact the following office:

Personal Information Consultation Office